Friday, April 18, 2014

Are we blocking what Universe wants to give us?

So many times we feel that we deserve more than what we are getting and it is so right. God also knows what we need and what we deserve. God wants to give us everything and everything is already on its way. However, we block it with our thought process. The problem happens when we block our channels of receiving with our negative thought process. Every negative thought which we have created creates a blockage in our life. So what reaches to us in the end is what God could send to us forcefully. Its like a child is angry and sitting in a corner. He has told his mother that I would not eat anything until my demand is completed. Now the mother tries to force him to eat something and he eats only a small portion of what mother was trying to give. It was not because mother could not give that food to the child, it is because of the fact that child had blocked what he could receive, that the child was hungry. Similarly, we stay hungry because we have blocked our channels and what Universe is trying to send to us is not reaching to us. When we focus upon love and reduce our negative thoughts, it starts opening up channels for receiving. Universe wants to give us so much that we do not ever have to ask for anything. It’s like if parent’s have something, they would want to give it to their children. So Universe has everything in abundance, it would also like to give it to it’s children. But if we block our channels, what reaches to us is which Universe could send to us forcefully. When we start creating more love and love starts flowing from us, so many channels would open and we would receive much more than we could ever imagine. 

We cannot realize this until we start focusing on love. To know the difference between good and bad, we need to go through both good and bad. If it is all good how would we know it is all good. To know what is a daylight we need to experience the darkness of night. The experience is complete when we have experienced both sides of something. Similarly, we cannot realize the simple fact that we have been blocking our lives until we start focusing on love, until we decide to remain in the flow of love. If you tell a person, he has a negative thought it would be difficult for him to accept. He might would like to defend as ego would come in between. But he can realize it only when love starts coming in as he would know what he was thinking earlier was not love. It's like when the light falls on something then you can see the dust settled on it or else in darkness it can't be seen. Similarly, we can see the dust settled on our soul when the love would start falling on it. 

So let's decide to focus on love, let's wash the dust settled on our souls, let everything shine with love. 


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (cont.)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Yesterday we had explained it as a process of joining. Today we throw more light on the same:

Joining (cont.)
The Supreme Power is the eternal reference point for all creation, whose task is to recharge and cleanse everything. Being eternally pure and untouched by any trait of selfishness or violence, the Supreme Being is totally benevolent (kind), and through the eternal energies of love and truth is capable of recharging and filling the human soul with all the powers. Of course, each person chooses their own level of cleanliness, recharging or fullness. That personal choice will determine the resulting powers of love, peace, happiness and truth to be found in the individual.

The Supreme Being is like an eternal point of pure Light that resides in the world of eternal silence, beyond time and matter. Through concentrated thought we can reach this source of love and purity. When our mind is synchronized it takes just a second to establish communication. When we reach this place of eternal silence, the world of silent light, we focus our loving attention on the Supreme Being. If our focus is deeply concentrated we can feel the self is filled with the purest peace and love, something we have never felt before in our lives. This is yoga: rejoining the self with the Supreme Being and, in this union, we once again recall all the things of value that had been hidden. So yoga means remembering: remembering the original self, the original and eternal relationship with the Supreme Being and remembering, through experience, the true meaning of love, peace and happiness (as a result of the connection with the Supreme).


Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address with - Subscribe - written in the subject.

Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris

- Watch Awakening With Brahma Kumaris daily on Headlines Today at 6:30 a.m., Aastha at 7:10 p.m. and Sanskar at 10:00 p.m. Also watch in English, every Sunday, on Aastha from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (cont.)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:

We can take the third meaning of meditation from the Sanskrit word yoga. By understanding this word, we learn how to get divine cooperation, or put in another way, a certain external spiritual power that can liberate us and help us to dialogue positively with the self (explained yesterday). The word yoga means "bringing together" or "joining again". Joining again with what or with whom? Firstly, with our original and eternal self: the soul, and secondly, with the eternal Supreme Source of all positive power and energy; this Source helps us to recharge ourselves with energy and to know ourselves.

At this time in the history of humanity, humans have lost the mastery and control over themselves. They do not have continual peace or a sense of purpose, happiness or fullness. The human soul needs to be recharged. Although the soul has great potential in its inner self, it needs a source of external energy for the latent (hidden) powers and virtues to emerge, just as occurs with seeds in nature. The seeds of plants and trees have their own source of inner energy. However, this energy cannot be released without the actions of an external energy source, in this case the energy of the sun. Through the power of sunlight, the seeds in the earth will sprout and flourish. The human body has its own energy, but needs external sources of energy on a daily basis: air, sunlight, water and food. Without these external sources, the human body would die. The external source of power that helps the latent virtues emerge in the human being is not physical, since the human soul is not physical either. This source of power has traditionally been called God or the Supreme Being: in fact it has been given many names.

(To be continued tomorrow....)


Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address with - Subscribe - written in the subject.

Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris

- Watch Awakening With Brahma Kumaris daily on Headlines Today at 6:30 a.m., Aastha at 7:10 p.m. and Sanskar at 10:00 p.m. Also watch in English, every Sunday, on Aastha from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining (cont.)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:

In Greek, the word meditation is translated as dialogismos, from which comes the English word dialogue. Meditation is a dialogue with oneself, with the true self; a very necessary process for developing self-knowledge and accumulating inner strength.

The basis of spiritual dialogue with oneself is introspection. Introspection is the ability to examine and change oneself, as one wants to or should do. Without a consistent re-evaluation of our attitudes and thought models, negative habits easily dominate our consciousness. A healthy dialogue with our inner selves means that we interact positively with others, without being trapped or lost in ourselves. Introspection involves being an observer: observing and not reacting to situations or people with negative emotions such as anger, hate, fear, resentment and jealousy. Being detached observers helps us conserve our inner energy and keeps us spiritually, mentally and emotionally healthy.

(To be continued tomorrow....)


Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address with - Subscribe - written in the subject.

Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris

- Watch Awakening With Brahma Kumaris daily on Headlines Today at 6:30 a.m., Aastha at 7:10 p.m. and Sanskar at 10:00 p.m. Also watch in English, every Sunday, on Aastha from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Meditation - A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:

Meditation is a useful method to help human beings redirect their life positively and healthily, and to achieve inner stability. The word meditation comes from the Latin word mederi, which means cure. Curing the inner self is not a matter of taking medicines, but it involves re-establishing the balance through knowing oneself, having the correct attitudes and making the correct use of mental and emotional energy.

In meditation, we learn to observe our inner self and recover the resources that can cleanse (heal) and harmonize us: peace, love, truth, wisdom, purity and happiness. Through concentrated thought we learn to let these positive and pure energies manifest (show) themselves in our conscience and in our day-to-day actions.

(To be continued tomorrow....)


Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address with - Subscribe - written in the subject.

Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris

- Watch Awakening With Brahma Kumaris daily on Headlines Today at 6:30 a.m., Aastha at 7:10 p.m. and Sanskar at 10:00 p.m. Also watch in English, every Sunday, on Aastha from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

A Spiritual Perspective Of True Love

Emotional love can flower into true love when the fire of emotions cools down and is substituted by a wiser and more mature relationship. True love needs a fresh and renewing atmosphere, without fears. When you feel spiritually full, you feel flowing over with pleasure, happiness, wellbeing, and that state helps you to accept the one whom you love as they are, because from your fullness you give and share and you don't need or expect anything from the other. While you need something that you want the other to satisfy, you will have expectations and the fear that those needs might not be satisfied, and you will get frustrated more easily. When you feel like a being of peace, a being of love, a tranquil being, a being that is spiritually full and satisfied, your relationship with others is a relationship of sharing on a level on which fear is not generated. You are not asking for or taking anything from the other. An elevated sharing of love, of happiness, of knowledge, of wisdom takes place, in which you do not generate a dependency on the other.

Attachments and dependencies, fears and insecurity, block our experience of love, of peace, serenity, freedom, happiness. When you have a feeling of love that takes you to a state of joy, to wholeness, but then you attach yourself to the object of your love, be it a person, or a property, automatically the feeling changes into fear: you fear to lose the object of your love and, instead of feeling wholeness and enjoyment, you feel fear. Over time that attachment turns into a dependency and you start to become inwardly empty: that is, your energy level goes down. Love in its purest form is a like a spring that pours forth for the benefit of others. Learn the art of loving, being free and allowing to be. Pure, true, love is an unconditional love that flows freely. Do not cling (hold on to). Love does not cling.


Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address with - Subscribe - written in the subject.

Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris

- Watch Awakening With Brahma Kumaris daily on Headlines Today at 6:30 a.m., Aastha at 7:10 p.m. and Sanskar at 10:00 p.m. Also watch in English, every Sunday, on Aastha from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pure Cooking (cont.)

1.  First, it is essential to develop a positive attitude towards cooking. Before undertaking any food preparation, ask yourself. 'Do you consider the project at hand to be an enjoyable, creative activity or an unpleasant time-consuming boring, repetitive karma?' Find a way of enjoying it, by playing spiritual songs or trying new recipes and having deep meditation while cooking.

2.  Before cooking, make sure the kitchen is clean and in order. Take out all the things you will need to make the meal and place them where they will be used. This makes the process of cooking more smooth and enjoyable.

3.  While cooking avoid doing other work in between. You will actually be saving time and the food will definitely turn out better.

4.  As much as possible, remain in silence, paying attention to the quality of the thoughts you have. Try to have pure and peaceful thoughts. This creates a powerful atmosphere that fills the food with pure vibrations and brings personal benefits as well.


Positive Reflections For The Day are messages sent by the Brahma Kumaris. If you are not receiving Positive Reflections already and would like to receive it daily, from the Brahma Kumaris, please send an email to the email address with - Subscribe - written in the subject.

Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris

- Watch Awakening With Brahma Kumaris daily on Headlines Today at 6:30 a.m., Aastha at 7:10 p.m. and Sanskar at 10:00 p.m. Also watch in English, every Sunday, on Aastha from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.